02 November 2011


i resisted the smart phone craze for many many moons.  i had the same LG from college and i [thought] i liked it that way.  i would tell people, "my phone makes and receives calls and that's why i have a phone, sooo... mission accomplished"  i thought of myself as a carrie bradshaw type.  resistant to change my old flip phone because it did everything i needed it to do.  and then i caught the iPhone bug.  it was as if my artsy friends had sneezed one too many times in my direction and suddenly i had to have an iPhone.  so i got one and i'm not going to lie...  it's been borderline life changing.  one of the amazing things i have so enjoyed on my new phone is a little app called Instagram (follow me!  whitneymcgregor).  it's kind of like twitter in pictures with the ability to alter the photos taken.  i put together my personal highlight reel as my salute to this fabulous application.  what can i say.  it's instagramtastic.


  1. Someone must have gone to the Riverbanks botanic gardens! I see a pic in this collaboration of a Senna alata, the yellow flowered tree!
